Configuring Windows LAPS with Azure AD using Microsoft Intune

How to configure Windows LAPS with Azure AD ?

Active DirectoryMicrosoft Technologies

Step-by-Step Guide to work with Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA) (PowerShell Guide)

In one of my previous blog posts I talked about managed service accounts. Before start on this I really recommend you to read it to have better understanding. It can find on . As I explained in there one managed service account only can use with one computer. But there are operation requirements which…
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Microsoft Entra lifecycle workflows Part 02 - How to synchronize value for employeeHireDate attribute from on-premises Active Directory ?

Step-by-Step Guide : Automate JML(Joiners/Movers/Leavers) process with Microsoft Entra lifecycle workflows

Active DirectoryWindows Server

Active Directory Managed Service Accounts (PowerShell Guide)

Services Accounts are recommended to use when install application or services in infrastructure. It is dedicated account with specific privileges which use to run services, batch jobs, management tasks. In most of the infrastructures, service accounts are typical user accounts with “Password never expire” option. Since these service accounts are not been use regularly, Administrators…
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Mastering Active Directory – 3rd Edition

Step-by-Step Guide: How to sync Custom Active Directory Attributes to Azure AD?

Active DirectoryMicrosoft Technologies

Service Accounts

In an organization there can be lot of applications, services running to serve its user base. Some time when you setup an application services it asking you to use a service account with certain permissions. In a computer normally we can run application as Local Service, Network Service or Local System. Also if required you can use a user account setup on the domain or local computer. Traditional…
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Microsoft Entra lifecycle workflows Part 02 - How to synchronize value for employeeHireDate attribute from on-premises Active Directory ?

Step-by-Step Guide : Automate JML(Joiners/Movers/Leavers) process with Microsoft Entra lifecycle workflows