Item-level targeting can use to target group policy preference settings based on application settings and properties of users and computers in granular level. we can use multiple targeting items in preference settings and make selections based on logical operators (AND, OR, IS, IS NOT).
Item-level targeting in group policy preferences can setup/manage using GPMC. To do that open the group policy…
In AD environment, we can use password policy to define passwords security requirements. These settings are located under Computer Configuration | Policies | Windows Settings | Security Settings | Account Policies
Before Windows server 2008, only one password policy can apply to the users. But in an environment, based on user roles it may require additional protection. As an example, for sales…
After few sick weeks I am back in blogging. In an active directory infrastructure some time you may need to exclude user or user group from a group policy. It can be due to application setting or system setting. Sometime I seen administrators create separate OU and move users there just to get user exclude from particular group policy. It is not necessary to create new OU to exclude users…
More than any other system active directory in an organization important in security perspective. Even a small change in Organization’s AD can cause a major business impact. Preventing any unauthorized access, unplanned change in AD environment should prevent in first place but if similar thing happened in your AD environment you should have enough information to answer questions such as…